We are missing more than 7.000 IT professionals in Denmark today and this number will continue to grow as less young people choose these very relevant IT educations. Current government policies on moving IT educations out of the big cities, has the effect that IT educations that have been successful in attracting new talent like women to become IT professionals, will not be able to educate as many IT professionals as before.
Our consultants in OLIO can help you find new employees and develop their skills to that of IT professionals or assist your current employees in their individual learning paths to become:
- frontend developer,
- backend developer,
- solution architect,
- technical project manager or
- product owner.
Ideal learning meets your employees on their individual learning paths, when they are ready, to create Originative Learning and Innovation in your Organisation. Please read the customer story Finding ideal learning paths to become skilled IT professionals.
How we work
Read about How We Work, to understand how we are different and why you would want to work we us.
Our solution architects, technical project managers and senior developers, all have many years of experience in innovation, research and agile development processes.
Book a meeting
Call us on +45 22909122 to hear more or setup a meeting.
Nikolaj Lisberg Hansen
Mobile: +45 22 90 91 22
E-mail: nlh@olio.dk
Skype: nikolaj_lisberg_hansen